Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Caleb goes to school

The day has come.  Caleb goes to school for 2nd grade at our local public school.
He was up and ready without any asking on my part.
David encouraged him this morning:" Caleb, I think you will have a good first day."
Caleb responded:" I have a feeling I will!"

When we dropped off his supplies last week we noticed his classroom had a lot of dead bugs to examine under the microscope.  That couldn't have been any better for Caleb.  He is interested in rocks, shells and all things nature.  He has been looking forward to the microscope all week.

When I picked him up he was in high spirits.
"Mom, I don't have any bullies in my class.  I have some who look like bullies, but they're not!"
"I got lost at recess but Julius helped me find the right door."
"There is a paper schoolhouse on my desk, it is for tickets for good behavior.
We didn't get tickets today, but I would've gotten one if they did."
"I hardly did any work today. It was so easy!"

A good first day indeed. 