Some days he acts like he is 8, some days he acts like he is 2. But he turned 4 on September 8.
He is all about Star Wars right now. So this new blanket is a Clone Wars blanket throw for his bed. He was all smiles. He was easy to please.
Nathan's primary play things are dress up super hero clothes. He is rarely just Nathan. When he comes downstairs he is usually dressed as General Grievous or Batman or Captain America.
He is always running around with swords or light sabers or shields and Thor's hammer.
There is forever a pretend battle waged at our house.
It is hard to believe our youngest is 4. He is learning how to read now. He puts his seat belt on all by himself. I never thought this day would come when I could just say: "boys put your shoes on and get in the van"
Now when I do that, I don't have to do anything but coral the dog and start the engine. Weird.