The tooth fairy needs a part time job!
David has lost 2 teeth last week and Caleb lost his front tooth tonite.
I am thrilled at the perfect placement of David's adult teeth. No braces on number one son that is for sure. Good thing he got John's teeth. I am wearing an ortho retainer as I type this blog post Ha.
Caleb was excited to loose his first upper front tooth. He said he was glad cuz now he could do the straw trick again. I love those Jack o Lantern smiles.
David has lost 2 teeth last week and Caleb lost his front tooth tonite.
I am thrilled at the perfect placement of David's adult teeth. No braces on number one son that is for sure. Good thing he got John's teeth. I am wearing an ortho retainer as I type this blog post Ha.
Caleb was excited to loose his first upper front tooth. He said he was glad cuz now he could do the straw trick again. I love those Jack o Lantern smiles.