We did have some fun, but let me tell you, I would have to rank this as one of the bottom the list things we did this summer. Considering dollar for dollar it would definitely rank dead last in value.
Clearly the so called recession hasn't hit Chicago's navy pier. Yikes. $7 for a single scoop ice cream? That is $21 bucks for my 3 boys to get a single scoop cone! $24 to park the van for 2 hours? $6 tolls to drive there? That is $51 bucks to get there to sit at the pier and have a single scoop. Hmmmm. Add the cost of gas for our mini van and we are looking at $100 bucks for a trip to the shore and a little creamed milk. 0h and a 4 hour round trip van drive - not really worth it. It will be a LONG time before we take the kids back there let me tell ya. Pretty much a bust - but fortunately the only real bust of the summer.
'Did get one cute picture though: