This was David's 3rd year as a Spark, and he finished all 3 books so he got the Sparks highest award. He was the only one to get it - he was so proud (so were we). Completing 3 Sparks books you learn and review 68 Bible verses. So that is a lot of God's word going in that little brain.
Caleb finished his Cubbie book and got his ribbon and cubbie bear stuffed animal as well as all his vest patches. A Cubbie book has approx. 20 short verses. It is quite an accomplishment for a 3-4 year old!
My favorite part about the night was a compliment David got from a parent of a fellow Sparkie. There is a shy girl in David's class whose family we know well. :) I guess on the way to church she told her parents that she was sad that David wasn't going to be in Sparks next year. (after 3 years you graduate to the next club level - TNT) When they asked why she was sad, she said it was because David had been an encouragement to her. He helped her feel encouraged during game time to participate and not be scared and now who will encourage her to play?
I was thankful they told me that. David really has a great caring and sensitive spirit underneath all that 7 year old busy body (and busy mouth). I was happy for Emma that David encouraged her and I was happy for David to see her need and fill it.